Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia - Accreditation Committee
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Accreditation Committee

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Accreditation Committee (the Accreditation Committee) has been appointed by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia (the National Board) to exercise accreditation functions for the profession.

Committee members

Ms Pilar Cubillo

Presiding member and registered practitioner
Northern Territory

Mrs Candace Angelo

Educationalist member
New South Wales

Mr James Harris

Educationalist member
Australian Capital Territory

Ms Elizabeth Shuttle

Educationalist member
New South Wales

Ms Norma Solomon

Registered practitioner member

Mrs Janaya Field

Educationalist member
New South Wales

Terms of reference

Under its Terms of Reference the Accreditation Committee is responsible for:

Accreditation standards: To develop accreditation standards for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice programs of study, for approval by the National Board. 

Education providers: To assess and monitor programs of study and education providers against the approved accreditation standard for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practice programs.

The Accreditation Committee is not responsible for setting registration standards, registering health practitioners, or investigating complaints about health practitioners.

Page reviewed 24/01/2024