Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia - Past Accreditation Consultations
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Past Accreditation Consultations

Public consultation on draft proposed professional capabilities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practice

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Accreditation Committee undertook public consultation on its draft proposed professional capabilities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners, as part of its project to develop revised accreditation standards.

Released: 15 July 2019
Closed: 9 September 2019

The Accreditation Committee consulted on its draft proposed professional capabilities, and sought feedback from education providers, practitioners, other stakeholders and the community.

Submissions received from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders.

Public consultation on Framework for accreditation requirements for the safe and effective use of medicines

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Accreditation Committee is a member of the Health Professions Accreditation Collaborative Forum (Forum).

The Forum undertook a project to ensure all graduates of entry-level health practitioner programs are educated to a foundational level in the safe and effective use of medicines, as appropriate to their scope of practice. To achieve this aim, the Forum has developed a framework for accreditation requirements for the safe and effective use of medicines, which was proposed for adoption across the professions.

Public consultation on draft revised accreditation standards

The Accreditation Committees for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practice, Chinese medicine and medical radiation practice professions have completed public consultation as part of a joint project to develop revised accreditation standards.  

Released: 29 August 2018 
Closed: 22 October 2018

The Accreditation Committees consulted on their draft revised accreditation standards, and invited feedback from education providers, practitioners, other stakeholders and the community.

Submissions received:

Draft accreditation standards and process consultation

Released: 30 July 2013
Closed: 6 September 2013

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Accreditation Committee conducted a public consultation on the draft accreditation standards and draft accreditation process for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander health practice. The Accreditation Committee sought feedback from a wide range of stakeholders and invited written submissions. 

Stakeholder submissions

Document name PDF Accessible format Document date
Consultation paper - accreditation standards and accreditation process for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practice PDF (161 KB) Word version 
(226 KB,DOCX)
30 July 2013
Draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practice accreditation standard PDF (315 KB) Word version 
(1.20 MB,DOC)
30 July 2013
Draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practice accreditation process PDF (487 KB) Word version 
(499 KB,DOCX) 
30 July 2013
Process for internal review of accreditation decisions

(This Committee is not consulting on this document; it is provided for information only)
PDF (170 KB)  Word version 
(209 KB,DOCX) 
30 July 2013
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Accreditation Committee’s statement of assessment against AHPRA’s Procedures for development of accreditation standards and COAG principles for best practice regulation
(This Committee is not consulting on this document; it is provided for information only)
PDF (147 KB) Word version 
(221 KB,DOCX) 
30 July 2013
Page reviewed 2/02/2021