Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner regulation at work in Australia, 2014/15
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner regulation at work in Australia, 2014/15

08 Apr 2016

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner Board of Australia (the Board) has released its report for 2014/15.

In 2014/15 the Board worked to ensure that all eligible individuals were made aware of the end of the grandparenting provisions on 30 June 2015. The Board also successfully audited Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners’ adherence to the criminal history registration standard, with reassuring results. The high number of compliant audit returns indicates that registrants understand their responsibilities with regard to this registration standard.


  • 391 registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners in Australia on 30 June 2015. 
  • 14% increase in the number of registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners. 
  • 47.8% of registrants are aged between 40 and 55. 
  • Grandparenting provisions came to an end on 30 June 2015. 
  • Approved for the first time three programs of study as providing a qualification that satisfies a graduate for general registration under the National Law. 
  • Seven notifications about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners nationally, compare to six in 2013/14. 
  • 60% of closed notifications led to no further action. 
  • Six Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners under active monitoring on 30 June 2015.

Download a copy of the report below:

Download a PDF of the report.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner regulation at work in Australia - 2014/15 (194 KB,PDF), Word version (47.9 KB,DOCX)

Page reviewed 8/04/2016