Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia - Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander registration standard
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Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander registration standard

Download a PDF copy of the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Registration Standard (66.3KB) 


Only persons who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander are eligible for registration as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner.

This registration standard sets out how an applicant for registration can demonstrate to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia (the Board) that they are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

Does this standard apply to me?

This registration standard applies to all applicants for registration.

It does not apply if you are a student.

Scope of application

This registration standard applies to all applicants.


To be eligible to apply for registration as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner a person must be:

  • an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, and
  • identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, and
  • accepted as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person in the community in which they live or did live.

Applicants must be able to provide evidence with regard to 1a to 1c above when applying for registration. Evidence may include, but is not limited to:

  • a letter from a recognised Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisation, to the satisfaction of the Board, stating that a person is an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, and is accepted as such by the organisation.

    - The letter must carry the organisation’s letterhead, hold the organisation’s official seal, where applicable, and be dated and signed by a person authorised by the organisation.

Pursuant to section 80 of the National Law, the Board may seek further evidence of a registrant’s claim to be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person.


This registration standard was approved by the Ministerial Council on 30 June 2019.

Registration standards are developed under section 38 of the National Law and are subject to wide-ranging consultation.


Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner means a person registered by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia. The practitioner may use the titles:

  • Aboriginal Health Practitioner,
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner, or
  • Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner.


This registration standard will be reviewed from time to time as required. This will generally be at least every five years

Last reviewed: 1 December 2019.

This standard replaces the previously published registration standard dated 27 March 2012.

Page reviewed 2/12/2019